Monday, September 10, 2012

My Name is Chris

Chris Martinez is a first-year student at a predominately white institution located about three hours north of where he grew up in a small town in Texas.  Chris is the son of Jennifer and Miguel Martinez.  He has two siblings, Nina and Alejandro. Nina, 22 is his older sister.  She is expecting a baby soon and lives at home with their parents and her fiance.  Alejandro is the youngest and will be starting high school at the same time Chris begins his first year of college.  Additionally, Chris's abuelo (grandfather) who was born in Mexico lives with the family.  Chis's parents were born and raised in Texas. Chris's mother has worked on and off, both raising the children and working in retail.  Chris's father works in a local factory. 

Chris's father wants a better life for his son and has urged Chris to go to college, but Miguel is having a difficult time understanding why Chris wouldn't go to the local community college or somewhere that is closer.  Three hours a away from home seems unnecessary to the family.  Chris has made the decision to go away because he believes he will have more opportunities in a larger town and he really likes the engineering program.  Chris is financially responsible for paying his tuition, but his parents are looking to help him in small ways when they can, but with his niece on the way it doesn't look promising.  Chris is a first-generation college student and has had to navigate almost everything by himself because his parents don't fully understand the process, and although his father grew up in Texas he grew up in an all Spanish speaking house hold.  Chris has had to translate quite a bit for him. Before Chris even enters college he has already had to face numerous challenges.

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